Who else is leaving the hospital in a faja? I know I did! But do they really help you get your pre baby body back?? Honestly, fajas do not MAKE you lose weight but aid in weight loss routine. NOTE: HELP or MAKE; there is a huge difference. What body shapers do do is help push out all the excess liquid in your body. Think of it as squeezing a lemon. That is what it does to your body.
They do not help your skin become tighter so don't think those strechmarks will disappear from the compression. And if your skin is saggy, the body shaper will not make that go away but it will help somewhat. Body shapers do help remind your body of its original shape or ALL THAT IT COULD BE. It like a memory wrap.

I strongly recommend LATEX fajas (waist trainers) for weight loss to wear while being active.
The Prissy Latex Sport Waist Cincher gives you curves and a slimmer waist. Use consistently while being active will change the shape of your body!
Take it to the gym or for a run outside and let it add impact to your healthy lifestyle routine. Here’s how it works. You wrap the band around your midsection. This action creates compression in your core, stimulating thermal activity and ramping up perspiration. This process allows toxins and impurities to exit the skin, while mobilizing fat cells.
The cincher itself is constructed from a latex core with a soft cotton exterior and interior lining. It sits at your waist, extending to the upper abdominals. Three columns of hook-and-eye closures allow you to adjust garment to your liking.
*Midsection control
*Lose 1-4 inches in 30 days
*Increased thermal activity
* Instantly reduce waist size
*Mobilizes fat cells
*Stimulates perspiration
*Accelerates weight loss through compression and sweating.
*Lose 1-4 inches in 30 days
*Increased thermal activity
* Instantly reduce waist size
*Mobilizes fat cells
*Stimulates perspiration
*Accelerates weight loss through compression and sweating.
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