Losing weight is not only a physical challenge, but a mental and emotional one as well. Follow these small tips to ensure you are motivated and successful at losing those LBS.
1. Use a photo of a past self or of someone you are reaching to look like, set is as a screensaver or wallpaper
2. copy down motivational quotes or your own thoughts on post-its and apply them to your long mirror
3. Write down your goals.... Example: be 130 lbs by June 10
4. Make WRITTEN a schedule. I've heard when you write down your schedule and goals, you are more likely to attain them. My schedule includes my workout days and times and focus. Example: Mondays, 6am gym Cardio Arms Abs, 12pm Walk for 2 miles.... Tuesday, 12pm Walk for 2 miles, 8pm gym Cardio Legs Abs.
5. Do not go shopping. By clothes in your bigger size will only keep you comfortable at that weight but knowing you are close to fitting into your old clothes is a better motivation.
6. walk to the store, not drive.
I update this post frequently..... STAY TUNED FOR MORE TIPS
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