Friday, November 29, 2013

Tummy Virus Home Remedy for Babies!

WOW! so my 9 month old caught a virus and could not stop vomiting with the runs. Because of her age, doctors can only prescribe fluids and probiotics. I am big on natural remedies, especially when it comes to my baby. As a new mom I really didn't know what to do other than shower her every 20 minutes and force her to drink pedialite. Tip: don't use wipes when baby is with the bubble guts.

With 5 days already being sick, I needed to do something! My mother in law made her plantain soup. She ate it for about 2 feedings and you can already see the improvement. The next day she was completely cured of the runs. If your child has never had plantains or is allergic I definitely do not permit. Here is the quick recipe.

Boil 2 ripe plantains in a 1 1/2 cup of water for about 30 minutes then BLEND!

this recipe will give you about 4-6 servings depending on how much your baby eats.
Still continue with fluids and always monitor baby's temperature.

Note: on the second day I mixed the plantain soup with baby pasta.
Try to give the baby soda crackers throughout the day to keep the food down.

Hope this will help all mommys in desperate times 
of sick little ones.

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